What's the maximum amount of wine you're allowed to take through customs duty-free? 海关准许携带酒类的最大免税限量是多少?
There was a maximum amount you could put into each round based on your level in the firm. 根据员工在公司中的级别,每轮可投入资金设定一个上限。
'A deficit of8% is the maximum amount we can afford in the current situation,'he said. 他说,占GDP8%的赤字规模是我们现在所能承受的上限。
J2_maxPageReadAhead: This determines the maximum amount of pages that VMM can read in a sequential file. J2maxPageReadAhead:这个参数用于确定VMM可以在一个顺序文件中读取页面的最大数量。
For this solution to work smoothly, study the maximum amount of work that can be done at each step and the time interval to allow between steps. 为了让这个解决方案工作顺畅,要研究每一步可以执行的最大工作量和各步之间的时间间隔。
The maxperm tunable parameter indicates the maximum amount of memory that should be used to cache non-computational pages. maxperm可调参数指出应该用于缓存非计算性分页的最大内存量。
The max field describes the maximum amount of CPUs that you can add after performing a DLPAR operation. 最大的字段描述执行DLPAR操作之后您可以添加的CPU的最大数量。
If a minimum resource amount or a limit of the maximum amount of a resource must be set for a workload partition, then percentage-based controls need to be used. 如果必须为工作负载分区设置最小资源量或最大资源量,就需要使用基于百分比的控制方法。
The idle-timeout-seconds element specifies the maximum amount of time a bean remains in the cache. idle-timeout-seconds元素指定bean驻留缓存中的最长时间。
We reached the maximum amount of memory used in a few of the configurations ( these configurations had lower amounts of memory). 我们在一些配置中接近了最大内存使用量(这些配置的内存量较低)。
This parameter specifies the maximum amount of memory that can be allocated for the query heap. 这个参数指定可以分配给查询堆的最大内存量。
The partition profile also specifies the minimum and maximum amount of memory, and number of virtual processors and processor entitlement. 分区文件还指定了最小和最大内存量,以及虚拟处理器的数量和处理器权限。
Tuition fees are currently capped at £ 3,290 a year, with virtually every institution charging the maximum amount. 现阶段学费的上限是3290英镑/年,事实上几乎所有学校的学费都达到了这个数额。
How many colour of the maximum amount do you accept on a Tee? 你接受最多有多少种颜色在一件Tee上?
The maximum amount of a fine on a shipowner is 100,000 RMB yuan. 对船舶所有人的罚款,最高额为人民币十万元。
The maximum amount you can lose is the call price, regardless of how much the share price has fallen. 无论股价下跌了多少,你最多会蒙受的亏损额是买进期权的价格。
The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. 翻译应该是时间的脚本执行的最高金额超出。
The maximum amount of time the transaction can exist, before it is aborted. 事务在中止之前能够存在的最长时间。
Gets or sets the maximum amount of time that the client waits for the server to return results. 获取或设置客户端等候服务器返回结果的最长时间。
To add insult to injury, there is a maximum amount any family can get. 添加落井下石,是有最高金额的任何家庭可以得到。
Gets the maximum amount of physical memory used by the associated process. 获取关联的进程使用的最大物理内存量。
Minimum and maximum amount 最小与最大约定数量
The maximum amount of time that the database engine should require to recover a database. 数据库引擎恢复数据库所需的最长时间。
What is the maximum amount I can upgrade to? 我能提升的最高金额是多少?
The maximum amount of such down payment from reserves funds shall be also determined by the member states. 动用储备金用作首期付款的最高数额,亦应由成员国决定。
The maximum amount you can lose is the price of the call. 你所可能蒙受的最大亏损是期权的价格。
Structure that contains the maximum amount of time for the client to wait for the server to return results. 结构,包含客户端等待服务器返回结果的最长等待时间。
The maximum amount of physical memory the process has required since it was started. 进程自启动以来所需的最大物理内存量。